Jannet Edison Southerland, President/CEO of JanPlans, An Event Planning Agency, is the creator of Detroit In Your City (DIYC). Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Edison Southerland created the concept out of a deep love for the city of Detroit. Her vision for DIYC is to become global and expand to a 3-4 day event, held every year during Labor Day Weekend. Community awareness and philanthropy embody this event in such that charitable organizations will benefit from a portion of the proceeds. As an event planner, Edison Southerland is passionate with her craft and carefully plans and executes classy, yet thought provoking events. Her clients are always amazed at her attention for detail and her strive for perfection with each event she plans. This is how she has groomed Detroit In your City; creating a positive eye for the city of Detroit through entertainment and philanthropy. Edison Southerland's goal is to be a strong part of the revitalization of Detroit; to compliment the city and to continue to shine the spotlight, opening the gateway to a better and even more vibrant existence.

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